Tuesday, August 23, 2022

[Video] Don't miss God's operation on your child for salvation

Msg. 4 - Next Generation Conference (R.A.)
Spoken in Irving, Texas by R.A. — February 2020

<<Don't miss God's operation on your child for salvation>>

This just happened. I was somewhere. A father he was driving me to the meeting, and he told me this testimony of his family with his son.

The boy he's probably 10 or 11. He just got a phone. The rules of the house are when go to sleep then stops. You don't go (online). He likes to go online. I think he has a kind of a love of building models. You know the little ships and things. So he likes to go to YouTube and just see how to do certain things. He got caught one night. I don't know if my mom or dad caught him and he got in trouble. His conscience is very tender. So he repented. 

A few days later, he comes to his dad. He said daddy I did it again. So he confessed without being caught and confessed. And the father was just thrilled. This is wonderful that he's having experiences like that. But basically his attitude was I forgive you son. Don't worry about it. So he sent the boy and then he was busy with some church things. Then the Lord spoke to him: "What are you doing? You have an opportunity. The Holy Spirit is convicting your son for salvation." So he ran to his wife, told her the story, and says "yes, we got to talk to him". 

This was January 1st of this year. So they call the son and they had a little talk. "Why is it, that you can't control that thing, that like you know it's wrong, but you can't. What is that?" They talked to him about sin. We have a sinful nature and the story of creation. They applied at the right time and the boy was saved, in his household, on January 1st, a new beginning.

Saints, each children have their time of life. We have to be on the alert. Don't be too busy with the affairs of this life, and miss those opportunities. Don't even be too busy with the church affairs, preparing for children's meeting or coordinating, that you miss God's operation on your child. If we're faithful to labor on them the right way the right time, eventually there will be a reaping of that seed. 

This is from what the family puts in, as well as from what the children's workers put in. This is 2 Timothy 3:15a "And that from a babe you have known the sacred writings, which are able to make you wise unto salvation".

We can experience this in a very spontaneous way. As we have such kind of family living, that complements what they're learning in the children's meeting. And the Lord is really covering them and working on them to bring them to salvation.

SSOT Lesson Preparation

You should prepare your speaking to be around 25-30 minutes for each session. This means you won't have time to cover every point. Pleas...