Monday, June 6, 2022



2021 6th Grade Conference letter to parents

Now is a good time to be reminded that we do not rely on the conference for the children in the Lord’s recovery to be saved. We must rely on the Lord’s timing, convicting, and calling of our children.

Over the years we have noticed that many of the 6th graders had already received the Lord prior to the conference through their family members or serving ones.  The conference became a time to encourage any unsaved ones to be saved.  For those who were already saved, the conference helped them to appreciate and understand more about their salvation.  In recent years we have begun to use the latter part of the conference to focus on helping the 6th graders, as new believers, lay a good foundation for their Christian living and to have a good entrance into the church life.

SSOT Lesson Preparation

You should prepare your speaking to be around 25-30 minutes for each session. This means you won't have time to cover every point. Pleas...